Get the inside scoop on NextGen Tax Services.
How do CPAs differ from national chain tax preparers?
Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) are licensed by the state boards of accountancy after an extended period of education, training and testing. Sure—big box, national chain tax preparers are on every corner, but they are not fully staffed with employees with accounting backgrounds. With reasonable rates, ethical requirements and continued education, NextGen is the trusted source.
What type of returns do your file?
We file all personal federal and state tax returns with the IRS and all 50 states.
Is it safe, and is my data secure?
Absolutely! NextGen’s client portal has the same encryption used by online banking, TurboTax and credit card processing companies. If you’re comfortable using ATMs, online and mobile banking, you’ll be comfortable using NextGen’s services as well.
How much does it cost?
Fees start as low as $200 per return. However, every person’s tax return is unique and will have different forms and document requirements. NextGen will ensure your return is complete and accurate, while keeping your fees as low as possible.
How do I pay?
At your direction, NextGen can deduct your tax prep fees directly from your refund. This eliminates the need to pay any money out of pocket for your taxes. You may also pay electronically via debit, credit card or electronic check prior to submission of your completed tax return.
I own a business. Can you file my return?
Yes! Most small businesses and their owners are a perfect fit for the NextGen model. If your business requires a more hands-on approach, a representative will refer you to NextGen’s sister company, M&M Consulting Partners, who specializes in working with corporate tax returns.
How do I get a copy of my return?
An encrypted-copy of your tax return is stored on your account and accessible to you anytime throughout the year. NextGen maintains the IRS statutory requirements of maintaining your documentation for three years. You may print as many copies as you like at anytime, while eliminating the need to keep track of paper files ever again.
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